Academic Papers
"The American West: Puzzle Pieces from a Different Box"
This essay, written for a seminar about the literature of the American West, reveals how writers from all backgrounds and levels of connectivity to American history, specifically Wallace Stegner, Yone Noguchi, and M Scott Momaday, fit into the tapestry of Western canon.
"Sheep's Clothing: How Corruption Camouflages Itself"
Tackling the depiction of evil/corruption in Edith Wharton's Custom of the Country, Flan O'Brien's At Swim-Two-Birds, and Flannery O'Connor's The Violent Bear it Away, this essay acknowledges the pervasive nature of corruption and how it is malleable, reshaping itself to its victims.
"The Bowler Hat: A Study into Essence and Existence"
Written for a seminar about the Existential Tradition, this paper investigates the appearance of bowler hats in Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Beckett's Waiting for Godot, in connection to Sartre's assertion that "existence precedes essence."