Career History
In work, I believe in focusing on communication and creativity. No matter the field, there is always a place to utilize critical thinking, creativity, and strong communication skills.
Below, I've highlighted my most prominent career positions. For my full resume, scroll a bit farther down.

Intern at Time's Arrow
August 2022- Present
I began this role researching 15-20 writers per week, moving chronologically from the 1600s to present day, uploading all prominent works that are currently in the public domain to Time's Arrow. Now, I write author biographies, book reviews, and introductions. Examples of such work can be found under the Portfolio tab.

Book Reviewer at BookBrowse
April 2023- Present
As a Book Reviewer for BookBrowse, a prominent book recommendation resource with half a million visitors each month, I create threefold content for each book I review. I create the book review, a behind-the-book article discussing some element from the book in greater detail, and a read-alike list to steer readers to similar books. These elements are on display for all website viewers for one week, and are then archived for paying members to visit indefinitely.

English Department Teaching Assistant
September 2019- June 2022
Under Dr. Stegner of the Cal Poly English Department, I worked creating course content for ENGL 339- Intro to Shakespeare, ENGL 251-Intro to Classical Literature, and ENGL 381-Diversity in 20th & 21st Century Literature. Primarily, I wrote detail-oriented reading guides for up to eight books per course. I also recorded audio lectures about various Shakespeare plays, and aided in the CP English Department's transition from quarter system to semesters by way of data gathering and research on other CSU curriculum.

Creative Writer- California Cybersecurity Institute
January 2021- June 2022
I was hired to spearhead the creation and writing of the 2021 Cyber Innovation Challenge, titled "Project Apgartium." The challenge, designed for high schoolers, involves a fictional hacking. My role was to create the concept of the hack, characters, clues, red herrings, and evidence for the challenge participants to investigate. Further, I worked one-on-one with an illustrator to bring my locales and characters to life. Read the mission brief in the link below.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Master of Arts in English, estimated graduation 2025
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly SLO)
Bachelor of Arts in English, Minor in French, June 2022, GPA 3.72/4.00
Awards: Al Landwehr Annual Fiction Writing Contest, 2nd Place, “The Snake” (2021); Al Landwehr Annual Fiction Writing Contest, 2nd Place, “Sea Sick” (2020)
Submission Reader, The Common Magazine 04/2023 - present
Read an assigned 12 pieces of writing (fiction and essays) submitting anonymously to The Common, and give my recommendation on whether they meet the criteria for publication by the magazine, based on their standards of quality and theme "a modern sense of place."
Book Reviewer, BookBrowse 04/2023 - present
Writes a lengthy book review, a Behind the Book article, and a Read-Alike list for each title assigned. These articles are published for general view and archived for BookBrowse subscribers to access indefinitely.
Intern, Time’s Arrow Inc. 08/2022 - present
Working with a literary start-up researching writers from every echelon of history and uploading information to the website. Utilizing creative skills and literary knowledge in several projects, primarily writing creative nonfiction essays for publication about several works of literature, author biographies, and book reviews.
Teacher’s Assistant, Cal Poly SLO 09/2019 - 06/2022
Work one-on-one with Dr. Paul Stegner on course management, grading, and creating online courses: ENG339- Intro to Shakespeare, ENGL251-Intro to Classical Literature, ENG381-Diversity in 20th & 21st Century Literature Work one-on-one with Dr. Rebekah Maples with grading coursework for ENGL 147 and HNRS 147- Writing Arguments About STEM
Book Reviewer, Delphic Reviews 10/2022 - 12/2022
Obtains advanced reader copies of upcoming books, with approval of the publisher, and writes up to 1,000 word reviews for digital publication on Delphic Reviews.
Creative Writer, California Cybersecurity Institute 01/2021 - 06/2022
Responsible for the storyline and character creation for the 2021 California Cyber Innovation Challenge; Work closely with a coordinator and an illustrator to bring said characters to life; Work on commissioned assignments.
Resident Advisor, Cal Poly SLO 09/2020 - 06/2022
Work with 100+ residential students as live-in advisor and resource to residents, orchestrate community-building events as well as collaborate with a staff of 20 to establish a united leadership team.
Library Assistant, Scranton Memorial Library (part-time) 09/ 2016 – 07/2018 Duties included managing the circulation desk; Assisting patrons with the library’s literary and technological resources; Coordinated shared resources with other libraries; Library card registration and renewal.
SKILLS: Critical Thinking, Literary Analysis, Creative Problem Solving, Editing/Proofreading, SEO, Research, Web & Print Publishing, MS Office, Adobe Suite, Intermediate French, Communication, & Collaboration
College of Liberal Arts Ambassador (2019 - 2022)
Events Coordinator, Cal Poly Writers’ Collective (2019 - 2020) Cal Poly Symphony (by audition), Flautist (2018 - 2020)
The New Yorker Lit, Existential Literature, Critical French Literature, Classical Literature, 5th-19th Century Literature, Ethnic American Literature, International Political Economy, Romantic Era Lit and Poetry, Advanced French Composition,
Culture of France, Fiction Writing, Poetry Writing.
Edgecumbe, Abby. “The Intimacy of Raindrops.” The Blue Route, No. 27, Spring 2022, pp. 23-27. Edgecumbe, Abby. “The Snake.” Byzantium Annual Literary Journal, No. 31, Spring 2021, pp. 60-73.
Edgecumbe, Abby. “Sea Sick.” Byzantium Annual Literary Journal, No. 30, Spring 2020, pp. 88-106.